Sunday, March 25, 2012

When Sense Fades And We Are Lost…

Amidst the crowd of giggling beings sits one with a fake laughter.
Amidst the crowd of giggling beings sits one with a different chapter.
Amidst the crowd of giggling beings his life is a hidden mystery
Amidst the crowd of giggling beings he is wondering who is he ?

Sometimes in life comes a point when one is so much immersed in the shimmer that you eventually lose YOU in the long run. Determine as we are , the realization would rebuff to occur till the new you appear. Till every drop of you has lost its fragrance and dried out the soul. Just like a true human who will learn only when the wrong is done so will you. And I right here have happened to register my name in the list of these eminent people .
Few days back sitting in a park I visualized the reason for which I came all the way to this new city. The reason for which I am away from my people and amongst people I barely know . When I look at the span of time spent and what has it made me I pity the person I am. I am so LOST . But for sure I am not the only one. It’s a phase each one of us has to go through. The LOST and FOUND quest is an ever going one, as we believe in ‘repeat telecasts’.
The always ecstatic ambience makes you feel part of it only to make you feel all by yourself in the end. But we, as wise as we are will fall in the pit, scratch the body, hurt ourselves and then understand how stupid were we . The pain of betrayal (by your believed to be dear ones) shakes you from within. You start interrogating yourself. What did I do? Where did I go wrong? You just turn into a melancholy loner who would disgust himself with his silence.
Anger, Adamance, Arrogance, Abhorrence will reason you and take over all your senses. Revenge is what you will aim in your every step. The rage to get back at what happened with you will bring out the devil dug deep inside every human being. You all break all ties. Even the one who really cared will be left in despair. Wow how evil can you be.

The list of problems start when list of expectations rise. When there were supposed to be none we happened to have made a list of them. To be honest we are left hurt because we let people hurt us. We are so lost because we let our identities being mixed in the mob. Its nobody’s but our fault. We really need to stop blaming others for our misery. ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’, then why do we let people leave us in desolation.
Wake up ! hit the bottom
Life won’t go easy on you
The deep seas await your presence
Dive underwater with your true essence
Journey is hard so shall it be
Strong and alone fight the enemy.
We need to understand life is going to be just this way- rough and tough but we have to make our path obstacle free. People tend to hurt, relationships tend to break. The strongest man is he who stands most alone, said a wise man. I wonder why the line is not met by wise minds. I am struggling hard to find my way back hope everyone like me can..!!!

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