Friday, March 23, 2012


Failures…… sometimes you just can not get rid of them. They are those uninvited unwelcomed guests who daunt you to an unimaginable extent. Once a great man said “failures are stepping stones to success”, not to counter him but I was wondering lately why do in reality these stones seem pebbles which just cannot hold our weight enough to get us through our journey?? Why??
It is funny though that no matter how hard you try there is always a remark added with your failures from your kith and kins , “you know what you do not try enough.. you take things very lightly……you are not able to “assess” yourself…” . like really??? After all his efforts if still one is not getting what he deserve does that mean ain’t trying….does that leave him vague enough?? Is it even fair??? Do people think he is a fool who wants to let things slip from hands???well then may be he is.
There was a chapter in my school literature book. The theory stuck to me too much which I realize today. It said “the world is rattrap. Everything around is a bait to catch you and leave you with enormity of nothingness”. People must have told you many times… you are good at this you are good at that….but when you go out with that good thing to win over world you suddenly discover you never were that good. There are hundreds out there with same dream and much more talent and you are just a tiny part of it.
We all go through the same stages in life. Some have victory written all over them whereas some make their way through times that test their patience and capability and some wait their whole life for that ray of hope that then seem simply buried. It is not about pessimism or negativity. Not at all. It is about a apprehension that nothing is a fairytale. And there is nothing called a happy ending until you finally discover it. You can not depend on fate because someone said that “ dude you are gonna make are talented” , no so –called talent is worth until it is recognized by the right people. Till then all you are left with is struggle and perseverance. And you have to do it. No matter what …..there are people in a corner of this world whom you owe happiness and satisfaction which can be only given through your victory.
Learn always learn your lesson. Do not give up. The only thing you got to be scared is “nothing”. Do not be ashamed if you do not get what you want in the present because the future is holding jewels for you. We all studied in our moral science values it is high time we apply it…. Be an optimist at least it gives you a dream..a hope that one day what you wanted will be what you are getting.
My favorite writer wrote:
"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em." – sir William shakespeare
And you know what?? I know you are “them”…

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