Friday, March 23, 2012


Life is about second chances. We spend so much time in hating the ones we love for hurting us rather realizing we all make mistakes. Yes we do. No matter how much correct we think of ourselves we are not . We cannot be perfect. In life we might come to a point where the clarity of right and wrong blurs our vision but then that does not mean we have to loose our sight. Does it??? I spend hours thinking why did that person hurt me?? Why did she never understand me?? Why my parents keep scolding me?? Never did once I try to realize I can be wrong. The raging fire of “why me?? “kept me so busy that I apparently overlooked my mistakes… my faults… my slip ups. Sometimes I do recognize them and yes I do find out that I am being excessively stubborn but my ego stops me from apologizing. Y is it so?? Why can not things be easy and I can say I am sorry and just get away with it?? Why do I have to lay awake all night in the guilt of being wrong yet not accepting??? Why god??? Why cannot I find my answers?? Why all my questions always are left unanswered??
At times I think you are being very cruel with me but a minute later I realize it is not just me and my pain the world is in much more trouble than me. The evil power to unforgettable incidents of life makes us will to relive them…. To turn it our way… to end it the way we always wanted it to end. But life is different..Reality is different. We cannot. What has happened has happened. Sometimes the closest person has to leave. But that does not means he is wrong. It’s just that he had no other option. When he comes back accept him. Do not let it happen all over again. Remember the pain you felt when he left and forgive him to not feel what u felt. Do what your heart says. It is kind of poetic but it is true heart never lies. Those beats inside you..Those rhythms in your body.. They help you to dance real slow in your life. To enjoy your life. To love those who love you. To care for them. To spend time with them
There is so much unsaid. In this ongoing battle… we miss so many moments. A moment of mother’s love. A moment of father’s joke. A moment of brother’s protection and a moment of friend’s laugh. The abhorrence for what they did surpasses their love… our love… do not do it. They do not deserve it. You do not deserve it. There is whole life to loath but a while to love.. concern.. pleasure of togetherness. Have it. Have that while. May be it is not tough. You are not that weak. And you have all the power it takes to forget. . Because we all make mistakes. And this time you cannot afford to loose them. Can you??

The pain I feel when u left me
Sad and crying tears all over
But yes u came back apologized
I forgave ….lets forget
Make a new life.

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