Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A LOVE LETTER--words of a broken heart!!!!

this is the last peice of paper i am sending you,though i know you're hardly interested to know that.
today when i was seeing the sun hiding in the sky my mind rolled back to the day i fainted in your arms hearing the funniest proposal of my life.....
i don't know if u remember but ur every word atill echoes in my ears with the fragrance of your nervousness:
"you are so tall you are so funny
you make wrold's worst brownie
but then also it's so yummy
will u spend ur life wid me honey?????"
the eagerness of my "yes i will" in your eyes is still the most beautiful view i ever had or will have.....
i know all this is a time waiest for you but these are the memories with which i m going to spend my life....
the distance between us might be for thousands of miles for the map but you are my heart so near that your every breath adds one to mine....
you were my sweetdream that has turned to a shrieks in night persistently explain how much i love much i miss you.... how much i need you.....but all in vain because now you are not next to me to listen my every breath....
your thoughts haunt me like a beautiful curse which i never want to get rid off even in my dreams. all this have no effect on you my heart never beleives.....but i know HEART IS A CHILD,IT BELEIVES ONLY WHAT IT WANTS don't love me anymore and with everyday passing by i love you even more. don't reply for this letter as already my 499 are in que....take care...may god bless you.....for the last time.....

DID YOU?????

did u see???
i cud not take my eyes off
when u passed by
my eyes hypnotized
just followed u.....

did u listen???
the silent void between us
when every second yelled
my tender heart beating
just for you......

did u smell???
the aroma of my luv
spread in ur aura
persistent to explain
i m here just for u.....

did u feel???
my longing for ur embrace
rising high n high
to hear just once from you
sweetheart i love u too....

but the truth is olwaz bitter
i know u never did
i keep sympathising wid my heart
wid beleif unbeleivable
that u did yes u did.......


my eyes weak my eyes dry
i have cried so much dat nw i cnt even cry
when u left u tuk my heart
and now wat is left are just few broken parts

is the reward 4 every true love not love???
i guess some questions are better not asked
i regret the moment where v met
dat road i wish i never have passed

i did wait for u i waited too long
but now i realise i was too wrong
you deceivd me u betrayed my love
n i thot u luvd me like v were luv doves

u shook my beleif u shook my trust
and now am nothing but carnival of rust
will u cum bak??? i olwaz think
or my emotions have to shrink

tell me my love u owe me an answer
y did u leave y did u go???
even my teardrops r tired
from 100's of drops now its 0..

you left me unconscious you left me numb
i feel like a fool who luvd a dumb....!!!!!!!!


the tortures time
the incubus night
the haunting blackness
of the moonless sky....

unmistakable terror
in those brown eyes
and d unfilled void of thought
"will i survive??"

the maddening footsteps
and her gasping breath
the will to escape
auctioning of herself

the devilish roars
the fading shriek
neverending tears
glistening on her cheeks

anoder DRAUPADI'S life at stake
but no KRISHNA to hault her rape

oo look there in the corner
a living coffin rested
in which a souless body nested...........