Saturday, June 9, 2012

And am not Proud of it...

Movies.. I hate how they make me cry. Specifically ‘cry’, as even the merry ever afters leave a tear rolling down the cheek with same intensity as the ones with the tragic ends. It is always something I long for. May be that all the way across the street run for that comforting ‘hug’ or may be that hand that would pull me up when I fall or may be that ‘moment’ when the world is what I want to be. May be.. I don’t know what!!

Sometimes I feel I am some 40 years old middle aged woman sitting on her dining table wondering where did all my years go. Where did I lose the ‘hope’ of living my life my way. Where did I give up.  The thing is this is not sometimes, lately it’s always. I am tired and sick of myself for turning into a lamenting 19 year old chick with a living illusion of a 40 year old. I apparently do not know if it is just me or every body around my age. And if it is  an ‘age’ problem then who are we kidding.. We seriously are into some real problem.

They say a smile can set things right. Wrong. Totally wrong. You can’t smile always because you can’t be that tough every time. Life is not some fairy tale where my angel will come and set me out in my free world. Instead life teaches me on my every step. Even the ones that are taken half. No life is totally wasted one can always be a bad example.  The life I crib about is not even half lived. Then how can I be so sure about it being a dump.  I really got to think about it. And I did think about it.

The notes that I made out of the book of my years lived are disheartening. I have been so much let down by the little incidents that has today turned  me a walking pessimist. A simple group issue resulted into days of weeping. A little crush went by days of ‘he is not going to be mine’ melancholy. A little difference of opinion with mom-dad was a generation gap as ‘they are never going to understand me’.  I Guess this little little did turn out to be who I am today. And sadly am not proud of it.

The truth is I was afraid. I was afraid for so long. One after the other things kept happening and I kept believing that it was supposed to be. I never tried to figure out why did the same things and same situations followed and why did they always ended the same way. I was afraid that the answer was me. that their was something wrong with me. That the reasons for all the wrongs was me. This self accusation in the deepest corner of my heart kept eating me from within. It was that termite that hollowed my confidence. That left me pity myself. And I am certainly not proud of it.

When one day I tried to open my eyes and glance at what had been wrong I found that things in real were way different. No . I was definitely not wrong every time. There were times when I was torn because of somebody else. There was a time when I was wrongly blamed. There was a time when I was left alone. And there was a time when I was left very very very alone. But why could not I see it. Why did I fail to realize it sooner. I would not have been that miserable. And I would have definitely not let others gift me nights of tears and misery which I am so not proud of it.

Today, when I write this, I know at least 20 people around me like me. I know they are going through the same self interrogations, same self introspections. I know ,they, like me stay awake in bed thinking about past. Thinking about what they should have done then what they have done. They too dream about a perfect monsoon of ‘friends’ and ‘music’ and ‘dance’ and ‘laugh’ and ‘food’ ( I hope you know I love food) and capturing the moments in the beautiful pictures. So that when days later they turn back to them they are going to relive them each time. And to them I am just going to say it is not going to be easy. It is never going to be easy. The difference between the life we plan and the life we live is honestly the difference of dreams and realities. To live life the way you want to, is the stepping stone to figure out what have you lost. Because what you lost is what you are going to need to build that ‘kingdom of dreams’.

The reason why I love movies and watch at least one every single night (apart from the reason where I cannot fall asleep early) is every night it inspires me to fight what I am trying hard to get rid off. It approaches me with the answer that the less travelled paths might be hard rocked but they keep you alive with a cent percent guarantee. Because somewhere down the line I desperately want to be proud of myself.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

a woven story.......!!!!

and only when insomnia turned down by sleep.. 
 she found love is not a sleepless time.. 
 in the thirst of a 'together' dream.. 
 she closed her pensive misty eyes..
 breaking all the distance bar.. he slept beside her that night..
 oh how sweet did dreams wear.. 
 she with her beloved, nothing in the universe more right.. 

she slept and slept...she dreamed and dreamed.... 
 afraid to wake up...afraid to loose him... 
 in the real world he was a chased star... 
 in her dreams he was just hers... 
 she chose the fiction it seemed more real... 
 she chose an illusion so unreal...
 i wonder how broke will she be...
when those dreamy eyes will open to see... 
 her love her life is not a reality... 

 And with every tic of the clock, She knew it was just a dream 
 The closed serene eyes pictured,
 Her world of tales, not meant to be
 Her pounding heart drenched every bit of hope
 Again she was all lost and alone 
 Cursing the moment when she believed in dreams, Believed they will turn real 
 And now all she has is nothing , 
 But a night of dream and eyes full of tears…!!! 

 And across the room she felt his sight, 
Rushed to embrace her love her knight 
 And across the room when she arrived ,
 Cursed herself for the delusional light.
 I wonder how long is she going to take , 
And understand it is not the time to break 
 Not that hard will it be to win her love, just An honest confession to let him know 
 The Irrevocable love needs some show… 

 One day woke up from her dream 
 Marched she towards her charming prince
 Gathered all the courage she had 
 Wondered what could be more worse already she knew he was not hers… 

 and on her knee that epic day 
 she made a speech, beyond thoughts 
 who could have declined such a love 
 who could have declined those powerful words.. 
 ‘you may be sight of innumerable eyes But for one your omnipresent 
 You may be right for so many beings But for one you are never wrong
 I dream you when I close my eyes 
 I dream you when they are open 
 And today if you do not be mine
 I know my dreams would have no end
 The moon the stars the sky the night
 Say poets make poetry shine 
 But the YOU the YOU the YOU the YOU 
 And nothing else will ever be in poetry of mine..
 If today I go.. I go with you.. 
 Else only will my body go 
 my soul that is already yours will betray my body for love of you..’