Saturday, May 7, 2011

Don't loose it--Because it's true love

-komal sharma

Love never breaths yet love never dies
Love loves to play “I spy”
True love when found
Keeps you young forever
If not then all your life
cries like a river….

Love is boundless. From your teens till your death there is no time to be in love. May be at your near death moment the nurse who takes care of you might suddenly turn out to be the special woman you have waited all your life.
When its love shame and sense fade right away. Just one glimpse of that face will tell you “yes he is the one”, and to be honest seize that moment forever and ever. Donot forget it is destined.
Let not your love be the sand in the fist . let it be tear in your eye. So that even the biggest pain will not let you shed a drop. If you love someone tell her straightaway. Tell her that you would live eternity with her but not a moment without. Tell her she is the one you would travel the world to be with.
Words like WHAT and IF destroy the most beautiful part of you. What if he won’t love me back. What if she thinks I am not good enough. What if my parents won’t approve. What if we aren’t meant to be together. Remember nothing happens in this world if it is not meant to be.
Let go let go
the feelings inside
Let her know
She is the one right
No world no fence can be as offensive
Then the pain of loosing Mr. RIGHT.

What we silly forget is that love is not to be regret. It is to be is never too late to love to speak to yell I love you. Have courage… go..bow down…and say, “ I am truly,madly,deeply, passionately in love with you”.

Love never says you are old
It says I still love you
Love never says be bold
It says tell me “I love you”
Love never needs to run
It’s a patience to hear “I love you too”

So if you love someone let them know as they need to know there is somone in this big world breathing every second for them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011



A writer is inspired and not wired. The smell of wet mud…the song of the rain….the buzz of the bees….. a happening of the day…… anything.
If I take the aforesaid seriously then yes I m a writer…I might not be the one as brilliant and wicked as Shakespeare and certainly not as contemporary as five point someone but yes I sense what many of us deny to realize….and it is exactly what inspires me to write…
A mother’s tear
A friend’s smile
A day of cheer
Or any hurtful bile……. I feel it all.
Writing is one of the weirdest art one possess . I know many of you might consider it nonsensical but if you write you’ll know it all. If you are happy it makes you happier…if your sad you’ll be terrible…. If you are in love then it’ll be all red… it just doubles the ecstasy and triples the pain. That’s exactly how it works.
Another conclusion I have landed up through my phase as a writer is that nothing is hypothetical… whatever one write is whatever one believes. The thing is how one describes it. How well can one turn thoughts into fiction and how beautifully fool everybody around. Therefore a writer is smartest of all. You’ll know all his life without knowing at all. Which character of his characters is him is the dilemma of the mind. It’ll not be humor if I define readers a writer’s puppets. You’ll understand what he’ll ask you to.
A pen and paper is all what a writer requires to tell the world that he is worth of millions eyes that role down to read those lines that describes all the unsaid.
I am often welcomed with warmth and wit of many. People say sometimes I hit the extraordinary threads of life to which I think, “really?? I just thought I was being real and not EXTRAORDINARY..”. what to others might be extraordinary is what to me the hidden feelings of every single individual it’s just that the dare to say is not so easy. Thus writing has provided me my escapism of being realistic and unreal altogether. I know how to slap without the action. I know how to sing without the symphony. I know how to cry without tears. I know how to laugh without a show. I know it all.
It makes me happy that when I sit and write it’s that time when I could be me. When I don’t have to hide the inner most desires….the inner most fears…the inner most nostalgia. No I don’t have to.
All I have to do is scribble and within moments it turns out to be one of my creations. Something I am absolutely proud to own and give my name to. And with that pride every time post them by : -ME
Thus thanks to my capability to express I have finally found who I am?? What am I doing??? And what am I supposed to do?? Which many of you still need to identify…. I M CERTAINLY A PROUD WRITER……. And to all those who think writing is for the free jobless and miserable… let me tell you this thought itself proves the misery of one’s mind.

THE NEW AGE...!!!!!!


Throttling vicious time it is
When the mind and heart are at war
Being or desire in the ring
Where Supremacy is the plot

Wandering life pleading halt
Left or right…right or wrong
The unvoiced mob’s bleeding voice
Suffering and pain priced….

Good or bad has lost its soul
Vanity aired in every eye
The conviction to par victory line
Has dug deep the humanitarian grounds

The practicality conquered sacred believes
Peace and serenity bar the time
Exquisite pleasure drawn from hurt
The exotic world drowning before time..

Friends…family are just terms
Obscured deep inside
Raging fire within overpowers
All the love, care and passion binds….